Welcome to MIP Lab @ POSTECH.
We do cutting-edge research on Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging. We develop novel (statistical, machine learning, graph theoretical) models that are scalable and applicable to real-world imaging data including, but not limited to, medical images such as MRI, diffusion MRI, functional MRI, PET and CT. We identify the effects from neurodegenerative diseases for better understanding of brain functions and its progression. We are also open for various other traditional Computer Vision and Machine Learning problems.
If you are sufficiently self-motivated and interested in joining our group, please contact the following PIs.
ML/CV Team led by Dr. Won Hwa Kim.
Geometric AI Research Team led by Dr. Ilwoo Lyu.
Recent News
- Jun, 2024. Total of 5 papers accepted to MICCAI 2024.
- Jun, 2024. Sooyeon and Yubin successfully defended. Congrats!
- May, 2024. 1 paper published at Medical Image Analysis (MedIA) in collaboration with UNC Chapel Hill. [IF: 10.9]
- May, 2024. 3 papers provisionally accepted to MICCAI from our group (top ~11%)! Wait for more acceptances after the rebuttal.
- May, 2024. 2 papers accepted to ICML. Congrats to all the authors!
- Apr, 2024. Seunghun and Jaeyoon’s ISBI paper has been selected for Oral Presentation.
- Feb, 2024. Dr. Ilwoo Lyu and his students joined the lab, and our lab is now named as `Medical Information Processing (MIP)’ Lab (previously Medical Imaging and Vision (MIV) Lab).
- Feb, 2024. 1 paper accepted to ISBI. Congratulation to Seunghun and Jaeyoon!
- Feb, 2024. Papers by Jaeyoon (AAAI 2024) and Hyuna (MICCAI 2023) have been honored with the Excellence Award (우수상) from Outstanding Papers from BK21 Graduate Students. Congrats!
- Feb, 2024. Hyuna won Bronze Award from POSTECH Outstanding Research Contest. Congrats!
- Feb, 2024. Jaeyoon won Outstanding Paper Award (Bronze) from IPIU 2024. Congrats!
- Jan, 2024. We will be presenting 2 abstracts at OHBM in June. The conference will be held at COEX in South Korea.
- Jan, 2024. 1 paper accepted to ICLR for event prediction. Congrats to Yujee!
- Jan, 2024. 1 paper accepted to Biomedical Signal Processing and Control in collaboration with Dr. Ryu at Aju University.
- Jan, 2024. I am visitig University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill during my sabbatical until Aug, 2024.
- Dec, 2023. 1 paper accepted to AAAI. Congratulation to Jaeyoon!
- Nov, 2023. Dr. Won Hwa Kim moved to a new office. Please find him at #4412 RIST Building IV.
- Sep, 2023. 2 papers accepted to NeurIPS. Congratulation to Hyuna (POSTECH) and Tingting (UNC)!
- Aug, 2023. 1 paper accepted to TMI in collaboration with UNC Chapel Hill. [IF: 10.6]
- Aug, 2023. 1 paper accepted to WACV 2024 in the first round. Congrats Hyuna!
- Aug, 2023. Hyuna’s paper ‘Mixing Temporal Graphs with MLP for Longitudinal Brain Connectome Analysis‘ has been selected for Oral Presentation at MICCAI 2023 (top ~3%).
- Jun, 2023. Total of 7 papers accepted to MICCAI 2023 from our group. Congrats to all the authors!
- May, 2023. 2 papers from our group provisionally accepted to MICCAI 2023 (top ~14%), and more to come!
- Apr, 2023. 1 paper accepted to ICML 2023 in collaboration with researchers at ETRI.
- Mar, 2023. We have a paper on Wishart Process accepted to Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (~10% acceptance rate). Congrats to Rui and Fan!
- Feb, 2023. 1 paper accepted to CVPR 2023 in collaboration with Dr. Cho at POSTECH.
- Feb, 2023. Our group won 3 outstanding paper awards (1 은상, 1 동상, 1 장려상) from IPIU. Congrats to Hyuna, Jieun and all the co-authors!
- Jan, 2023. 1 paper accepted to IPMI 2023 in collaboration with Guorong Wu at UNC Chapel Hill.
- Jan, 2023. Hyuna and Yubin won Bronze Prize from Samsung HumanTech Paper Award! (with large $$$ prize)
- Jan, 2023. 1 paper accepted to ISBI 2023. Congrats to Seunghun and have fun in Columbia!
- Sep, 2022. Dr. Won Hwa Kim’s research will be funded by NRF 중견연구과제 for the next 4 years for developing graph neural networks for brain connectivity analysis.
- Jun, 2022. 2 papers accepted to MICCAI 2022. Congrats Injun (POSTECH) and Tingting (UNC)!
- May, 2022. Hyuna Cho won the POSTECHIAN Fellowship. Congratulation!
- Apr, 2022. (Pre) Ph.D Fan successfully defended! She will join Genentech as a Researcher.
- Apr, 2022. 1 paper accepted to IJCAI. Congrats to Xin (UTA).
- Apr, 2022. We moved to a new lab! The lab is now named as Medical Imaging and Vision (MIV) Lab.
- Jan, 2022. 1 paper accepted to ISBI 2022. Congrats Fan!
- Jun, 2021. 2 papers accepted to MICCAI 2021. Congrats to Hyuna (POSTECH) and Fan (UTA)!
- Mar, 2021. Our proposal to NIH R03 is finally funded, a joint work with UNC (Guorong Wu).
- Jan, 2021. Our work on Learning multi-resolution representation of graph edges is accepted to IPMI 2021. Congrats Xin!
- Dec, 2020. Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging (AIMI) Lab established at POSTECH.
#4412, RIST Research Building IV, 67 Cheongam-Ro, Nam-Gu, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
#4303, RIST Research Building Ⅳ, 67 Cheongam-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea